As a student you may have the right to appeal some academic and administrative decisions made by the University that affect your studies.

There are many circumstances under which you have the right to appeal and each process is outlined in the Student Appeals Policy and Student Appeals Procedure. The aim of the appeal process is to ensure students are treated fairly, and decisions are not made with prejudice.

An appeal is different to a complaint and can only be used if you have valid grounds as outlined below. If you do not have valid grounds you may be able to seek resolution through the University's complaint processes.

Find out how to lodge a complaint

First raise your concern

Before you submit an appeal, you must satisfy the conditions and complete the prerequisites.

In academic appeals, it is always a good idea to discuss the issue with your unit coordinator, academic chair or dean in the first instance to get advice and to find out if the matter can be resolved without the need for an appeal. They will also be able to answer any questions regarding your continued enrolment.

Use the Murdoch Directory to locate your Unit Coordinator, Academic Chair or Dean.

Seek support and assistance

The Murdoch Guild Student Assist Office can support you through an appeals process by offering advice, ensuring you understand your rights, assisting you with the process and helping you write your appeal.

Murdoch Counselling can also assist with issues relating to stress, academic worries, financial difficulties or personal concerns.

An appeal may have an effect on a student visa. International students are encouraged to seek advice from a student success advisor in a myMurdoch Advice location.

Murdoch University is committed to supporting students with disability, physical or mental health conditions, or who are carers for people with disability, to enable equal participation throughout their learning journey.

For further information on available support and access services:

View Accessibility services

As part of the appeals and/or complaints process, documentation in alternative formats may be available upon request if you have a disability or medical condition.

You may submit this request to: or

Where it is possible to provide alternative formats, you will be contacted and provided with further detail. You may also be asked to provide details of your EQAL plan.

Prepare your appeal

The Student Appeals Policy lists the types of appeals and the valid and invalid grounds under which you may submit an appeal. Each type of appeal has criteria that must be met and criteria which will not be considered. The policy also outlines the remedies available as a result of your appeal.

The Student Appeals Procedure explains the process for each type of appeal and your responsibilities.

Student Appeals PolicyStudent Appeals Procedure

To prepare your appeal you need to:

  • read the policy and check you meet the criteria for appeal
  • read the procedure and follow the responsibilities for submission of an appeal
  • complete an appeal form if applicable (for appeal against final results)
  • write an appeal letter to a maximum of five pages
  • include your name, student number and contact details
  • state your grounds for appeal and outline the facts that support your claim
  • provide documentation to support your claims, such as medical certificates, to a maximum of ten pages.

How to submit an appeal and what information to include

If you are dissatisfied with the final result awarded to you in one of your units, including honours and postgraduate coursework, you may be able to submit an appeal. You need to ensure you meet the criteria for valid grounds as outlined in the Student Appeals Policy.

It may be more suitable for you to request a review or remark. To find out how refer to the complaints page.

Deadline to submit appeal: ten University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.1 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.4 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Supporting documentation may include:

  • a copy of the Unit Information and Learning Guide
  • a copy of the assessment components required for the unit
  • details of the assessment in question such as the due date, submission date and return date
  • a copy of any correspondence detailing any wrong advice
  • a copy of the assessment work in question
  • an outline of how the grade was not based on the assessment methods
  • a reference to the clauses of the University’s Assessment Policy you believe were breached
  • an outline of how you were disadvantaged.

Related policies:
Assessment Policy
Assessment Procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the result of your examination of a doctoral, masters, or honours thesis and resolution of final result you may be able to submit an appeal.

Deadline to submit appeal: ten University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.2 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: 4.5 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Related policies:
Honours Policy
Honours Procedure
Graduate Research Degrees Regulations and Procedure

If you believe the University did not make reasonable arrangements after you identified your conscientious belief you may be able to submit an appeal.

Deadline to submit appeal: ten University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.3 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.6 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Related policies:
Conscientious Objection in Teaching and Assessment Policy 

If you have been denied a deferred assessment you may be able to appeal the decision.

Deadline to submit appeal: five University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: one to two weeks (prior to examination)

Refer to policy: Section 5.4 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.7 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Supporting documentation may include:

  • a copy of the decision made to deny deferred assessment
  • a reference to the clauses of the University’s Assessment Policy you believe were breached
  • evidence and details of how the decision was unfair or how you were disadvantaged.

Related policies:
Assessment Policy
Assessment Procedure

If you have been denied a retrospective withdrawal from a unit you may be able to appeal this decision.

Deadline to submit appeal: 28 calendar days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.5 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.8 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Supporting documentation may include:

  • a copy of the decision made to deny a retrospective withdrawal
  • a reference to the University’s guidelines you believe were breached
  • details of evidence that was not available prior to the decision being made and may have altered the decision
  • an outline of how you were disadvantaged.

If you have been suspended or excluded from a course or major, you may be able to appeal the decision. 

You can continue your enrolment until a decision has been made for your appeal.

Deadline to submit appeal: 20 University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: two to three weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.6 The Decision to Suspend or Exclude from the University or From a Course or from a major

Refer to procedure: Section 4.9 An Appeal Against the Decision to Exclude Where a Student Has Applied Unsuccessfully to the Academic Chair for Continued Enrolment 

Supporting documentation may include:

  • a copy of the decision made to suspend or exclude
  • a reference to the clauses of the Academic Monitoring and Progression Policy and procedure you believe were breached
  • an outline of how you were disadvantaged.

Related policies:
Coursework Regulations

If you disagree with a decision made to deny you admission and or on an application for a change of course enrolment you may be able to appeal the decision.  To appeal you need to support your claim with examples of how the assessment methods used were in breach of the University’s admission process and Change of Course Enrolment Procedure.

Deadline to submit appeal: ten University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.7 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.10 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Supporting documentation may include:

  • a copy of the decision made to deny admission
  • a reference to the clauses of the Admission (Coursework) Procedure or Change of Coursework Procedure you believe were breached
  • an outline of how you were disadvantaged.
Related policies:
Admission (Coursework) Policy
Change of Course Enrolment Procedure

If you have been denied a credit, exemption or advanced standing you may be able to appeal to the decision.

Deadline to submit appeal: ten University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.8 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.11 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Related policies:
Advanced Standing Policy
Assessment and Award of Advance Standing Procedure

If you have been denied a scholarship, you may be able to appeal the decision.

Deadline to submit appeal: ten University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.9 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.12 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Supporting documentation may include:

  • a copy of the decision to deny a scholarship
  • an outline of how you believe due process was breached
  • an outline of what aspects of the selection criteria were not applied correctly
  • an outline of how you were disadvantaged.

If you have had a finding or penalty for misconduct made against you,you may be able to appeal the decision. If you submit an appeal, any penalty will be suspended until the outcome of your appeal is known.

Deadline to submit appeal: 20 University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.10 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.13 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Supporting documentation may include:

  • a copy of the decision made
  • a copy of the Unit Information and Learning Guide
  • an outline of how procedural fairness was not applied
  • an outline of what relevant or irrelevant considerations were made
  • an outline how the decision made was manifestly wrong
  • an outline how the penalty imposed was unavailable, inappropriate or manifestly wrong and the penalty, if any you believe should have been applied
  • details of the evidence you believe may have altered the decision or penalty, why this evidence was not available to you prior to any hearing or the making of any written submissions and how this would have altered the decision
  • an outline how this disadvantaged you.

Related policies:
Student General Misconduct Procedure
Student Integrity Regulations

Where a decision has been made by the University to terminate your graduate research degree candidature, you may be able to appeal the decision.

It may be more suitable for you to consider whether this is a matter than may be resolved through the Graduate Research Degrees Dispute Procedure.

Deadline to submit appeal: 20 University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.11 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.14 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Related policies:
Graduate Research Degrees Regulations
Graduate Research Degrees Procedure
Graduate Research Degrees Dispute Resolution Procedure (must be signed in to the Policy & Procedure Manager to view)

Where a decision has been made by the University to terminate you from a graduate research degree course, you may be able to appeal the decision.

It may be more suitable for you to consider whether this is a matter than may be resolved through the Graduate Research Degrees Dispute Procedure.

Deadline to submit appeal: 20 University working days from notification email

Process time for appeal: eight to twelve weeks

Refer to policy: Section 5.12 of the Student Appeals Policy

Refer to procedure: Section 4.15 of the Student Appeals Procedure

Related policies:
Graduate Research Degrees Regulations
Graduate Research Degrees Procedure
Graduate Research Degrees Dispute Resolution Procedure (must be signed in to the Policy & Procedure Manager to view)

Lodge your appeal

You can lodge your appeal by email, mail, fax or in person. The easiest and preferred method is via email. If you have missed the deadline due to extenuating circumstances, you can contact the Secretary to the Student Appeals Committee for further advice.

An email acknowledging your appeal will be sent to you within three University working days.


University Secretary's Office
Murdoch University
90 South Street
Murdoch WA 6150


Send a fax to us on +61 8 9360 6847

After submission

Sections 5 and 6 of the Student Appeals Procedure (must be signed in to the Policy & Procedure Manager to view) provides an explanation of the process which is followed.

Support services to assist you with your concerns:

Transnational students

If you are in one of our international campuses, you can use the following contacts to seek support:

Murdoch Dubai

Murdoch Singapore