Many staff and students across Murdoch complete the Ally program training and choose to become a part of the visible network of advocates for the LGBTIQA+ community. Doing this contributes to building an affirming and welcoming community at Murdoch University.

The training is open to anyone who is interested in increasing their own awareness or would like to become an advocate and promote awareness for the LGBTIQA+ community.

During the workshop you can learn about the LGBTIQA+ community, some of the issues faced at university and some external and internal struggles.

After completing the training you will be offered an Ally rainbow stickers to display on your office door or around your work space. You will also be invited to list your name as an Ally on the website, publicly communicating your willingness to be part of Murdoch's Ally network.

Your role in the Ally network

If after completing the training you choose to join the network, you will have some responsibilities:

  • Be a visible part of the Murdoch Ally network by displaying the Ally sticker on your office door, work area or student space.
  • Provide a safe zone for students or staff with diverse gender, sex or sexuality to speak freely.
  • Be empathetic with members of the LGBTIQA+ community.
  • Be an advocate for those who are not in a position to speak out or are fearful of being harassed or discriminated against.
  • Support events and initiatives that celebrate and advocate for the LGBTIQA+ community, for example Pride month activities.

Your contribution as an Ally helps to make Murdoch a better place to work and study for everyone, not just members of the community who identify as LGBTIQA+.

Sharing community resources

You will be provided with online and print resources for community information which you can share with people who enquire. The resources may include youth services, health services and information for parents.

You may also have copies of articles and information about topics related to sexuality and gender identity to share with people who would like to have more information.


Wellbeing and Equity Projects Team

Campus location 440.1.006

Call us +61 8 9360 2932

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