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Yoga could be the answer to reducing anxiety symptoms in autistic children

young boy stretching

Yoga has been identified as a potentially powerful tool in managing anxiety symptoms experienced by autistic children.

Murdoch University PhD candidate Tundi Loftus is trialling a purpose-designed novel yoga intervention with promise to change the narrative of interventions for autistic children. 

While interventions are often aimed at addressing symptoms of autism, many autistic individuals don’t want to change these traits, and instead require support with other symptoms they may experience – such as anxiety. 

With over 80 per cent of autistic children experiencing symptoms of anxiety, it is important to provide them with a lasting strategy to reduce these to enhance their quality of life. 

Ms Loftus has co-designed a novel yoga intervention to meet the specific needs of autistic children through consultation with consulted with key stakeholders, including autistic children, their families and clinicians.

This intervention differs from existing strategies because it has been built from the ground up to meet specific needs. 

The research is undergoing Randomised Controlled Trials with view to refining the program into an effective intervention that can be used in multiple settings.

This means children would be able to practice the yoga techniques in the home, school and clinics. If successful, it would be an affordable strategy for families to integrate into their lives. 

More information can be found by emailing