The role of the Transnational Education Consultative Group (TCG) is to provide a forum for information exchange, discussion and policy advice on TNE matters. It brings together the Deans of the University’s offshore campuses with academic representatives from relevant schools and professional staff coordinating TNE activities to identify common problems and develop common solutions connected with transnational education.

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference of the TCG include:

  • To make recommendations to the Deputy Vice Chancellor Global Engagement and TNE Deans on matters concerning TNE at all locations
  • To receive reports from the TNE Deans on ongoing operations
  • To receive reports from other members of the TCG on issues involving TNE
  • To provide advice to TNE Deans and School Deans on relevant matters
  • To undertake such other tasks as may be referred to it by other University Committees or Officers.


  • Professor Peter Waring
    Pro Vice Chancellor Transnational Education & Singapore Dean (Rotating Chair)
  • Dr James Trotter
    Dubai Dean and Academic President (Rotating Chair)
  • Ms Jenny Crawford
    Manager TNE
  • Mr Kelly Smith
    Pro Vice Chancellor International
  • Dr Paola Magni
    Senior Lecturer Forensic Science

  • Ms Tess Carcione
    TNE Coordinator
  • Ms Yukiko Stranksy
    TNE Officer
  • Mr Nathan Tozer
    TNE Officer
  • Ms Judith Bleakley
    TNE Officer
  • Ms Jo Nitz
    Director, Advancement
  • Ms Vickie Roxburgh
    Senior Manager, International Admissions
    (Ms Kristin Yang to attend as proxy)

School representatives

Information Technology

Dr Florence Mwagwabi

Media and Communication

Associate Professor Renae Desai


Dr. Genevieve McSporran


Dr David Zhang (Undergraduate)

Dr Ingrid O'Brien (Postgraduate)


Dr Andrea Steele

Law and Criminology

Associate Professor Sonia Walker

Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 

Dr Diane Lee

DVCE Portfolio

Dr Kim Hudson (Spine)

Dr Noraisha Oyama (Foundation)


TNE Officer


Mr Mike Fardon – Director Learning, Teaching and Technology