Dubai Academic Board Purpose

The Dubai Academic Board is subordinate to Academic Council. The Dubai Academic Board supports curriculum delivered in Dubai in accordance with the Curriculum Policy and Curriculum Procedure; and provides academic quality assurance by considering relevant data related to student experience, student performance, course quality and student integrity.

For these activities, the Board identifies and allocates actions and monitors completion of activities related to academic quality. It will monitor academic risk and provide summary reporting to the:

• Academic Courses and Admissions Committee on curriculum items

• Student Experience Committee on student-related matters

• Quality and Standards Committee on matters related to professional accreditation, compliance, quality, research and research training.

Dubai Academic Board Terms of Reference

  • Review the existing course portfolio and assess the quality of new curriculum proposals, in conjunction with the Colleges, Schools, Disciplines, relevant Portfolios where equivalent and third-party providers, and support recommendations to the Academic Courses and Admissions Committee (ACAC) on curriculum items in accordance with the Curriculum Policy and Procedure.
  • Recommend admission requirements to Academic Courses and Admissions Committee.
  • Monitor professional accreditation activities where there are professionally accredited courses offered through the Dubai campus.
  • Maintain a schedule of review activities as per the Quality Review Policy. Review relevant data and recommend actions relating to student experience, learning and teaching.
  • In conjunction with the Colleges, Schools, Disciplines and relevant portfolios where equivalent undertake a regular course review process, to improve the quality of teaching through regular use and review of units/course evaluation surveys and report on any changes relating to the course structure or delivery methodology to the Quality and Standards Committee.
  • Monitor higher education developments in Dubai education context.
  • Monitor and review the student assessment validation, moderation, and examinations processes.
  • Monitor and review professional learning for academic staff to ensure that professional and discipline-based expertise is current and culturally relevant; that teaching skills are maintained and updated; and that scholarly activity is undertaken.
  • Receive and review regular reports on research activity at Murdoch Dubai.
  • Monitor and review the implementation of academic policies relating to all learning, teaching and assessment processes.
  • Monitor and review support strategies implemented to ensure student success.



  • Professor Peter Waring
    Pro Vice Chancellor Transnational Education & Singapore Dean (Chair)
    Dubai Dean (Acting)
  • Ms Jenny Crawford
    Manager, TNE
  • Dr Sze How Bong
    Deputy Vice Chancellor Research & Innovation
  • Mr Kelly Smith
    Pro Vice Chancellor International
  • Dr Maeve Berry
    Academic staff representative, College of Law, Arts and Social Sciences 
  • Dr Ingrid O'Brien
    Academic Chair representative, College of Business
  • Associate Professor Mohd Fairuz Shiratuddin
    Academic staff representative, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Dr Andrea Steele
    Academic staff representative, College of Health and Education
  • Dr Ashleigh Prosser
    Professional Learning Team representative
  • Mr Mark Brown
    General Manager, Navitas
  • Ms Faiza Qureshi
    Learning and Teaching representative
  • Mr Salih Ismail
    Discipline Lead (Information Technology)
  • Mr Joseph Nalloor
    Discipline Lead (Communication)
  • Dr Leena Wanganoo
    Discipline Lead (Business)
  • Ms Rishha Nivea
    UG student representative
  • Ms Madina Tleugabyl
    PG student representative
  • Ms Krishnapriya Nandakumar 
    MU Alumni representative

Notes on Membership:

  • Academic Chair representatives are appointed by the Chair, on a 4 meeting/18 month staggered rotation
  • The Dubai Discipline Lead representative is appointed by the Chair, on a 4 meeting/18 month staggered rotation



Ms Tamara Martin
University Secretary's Office

Standing Observers:

The Committee may invite additional non-members to take part in discussion and provide advice from time to time.


Three meetings are held per year.