Student enrolments

The Transnational Partner maintains student enrolments via their own enrolment system. Kaplan (Singapore) opens their Enrolment Portal 8 weeks prior to commencement of a teaching period and Navitas (Dubai) opens theirs 4 weeks prior. 

As Transnational students are not able to self-enrol, Callista enrolments for all TNE locations are managed by the Student Services team in the Murdoch Singapore Office after partners provide them with a list of students and their units. Students are then able to view their enrolment details via MyMurdoch. The list for continuing student enrolments in Singapore is provided 4 weeks prior to the commencement of each teaching period and new-commencing student enrolments 3 weeks prior. The list for both continuing and new student enrolments in Dubai is provided 2 weeks prior to the commencement of a teaching period. 

The Partners are also required to advise the Student Services team of any change to a student’s enrolment, such as changed classes or withdrawn units, to ensure the student record is updated in Callista and LMS as required. In the event of discrepancies, the Student Services team will notify the Transnational Partner that a student is unable to be enrolled in Callista (students are often unable to enrol in a unit because they have not fulfilled the unit prerequisites for example). The TNE Partner will be required to make enrolment adjustments and send the updated list to the Student Services team for processing. All updates to the enrolment lists must be provided to the Student Services team by the end of Week 2 of any teaching period.


Late enrolments

Murdoch University may exercise its discretion in accepting late enrolments up to the end of week 2 of the teaching period (subject to regulations of the regulators at the TNE location).

Minimum student numbers

A minimum number of students required for each new intake of the transnational course may be specified in Murdoch’s Transnational Course Specification with its Transnational Partner. If the agreed minimum number of students required to commence or continue in the course is not achieved and/or maintained, Murdoch University and the Transnational Partner may determine whether or not to continue with the transnational offering of the course, and if so, on what terms.


The current practice is for the Transnational Partner to determine the student tuition fees, with Murdoch University receiving a pre-determined fee-share, as as per the Transnational Course Specification attached to the relevant Transnational Course Agreement. The level, timing and collection of fees payable by students and refund policy under agreements with Murdoch’s offshore partners will be in accordance with the specific provisions of the agreement with the Transnational Partner.

The Transnational Partner will collect fees from the transnational students, while Murdoch University will invoice and collect the fees from the Transnational Partner. After all enrolments for a teaching period have been finalised and entered into Callista, Murdoch’s Enrolments and Fees Office will invoice the Transnational Partner. This invoice will detail all students enrolled in a relevant program and the amount owing for each. The Transnational Partner will collect the fees from all students enrolled and remit these to the University. If any student does not pay any portion of the student fees for a particular unit, the Transnational Partner will have no claim against Murdoch for the unpaid fees.

More information is available from the TNE Financial Management Procedure, available via the Policy and Procedure Manager.

In Singapore

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) has regulations regarding the collection, holding, disbursement and refund of student fees by Private Education Institutions. The Fee Protection Scheme serves to protect the students’ fees in the event that the private education institution is unable to continue operating due to insolvency and/or regulatory closure. The scheme also protects students if the private education institution fails to pay penalties or return fees to the students arising from judgement made against it by the Singapore courts. The Transnational Partner must comply with these regulations.