Donations, gifts and bequests

We accept donations that add value to our Special Collections and enhance the teaching and research activities of the University.

If you want to donate materials to Special Collections, contact Sharon Woodgate-Outram, Senior Library Officer Special Collections, who will assess the material against our Library Collections Policy and Special Collections Policy.

All donations, gifts and bequests must be fully documented by completing the donation form.

Send your completed form to

Cultural Gifts Program

The Cultural Gifts Program offers tax incentives to encourage people to donate cultural items to Australian public collections.

Special Collections welcomes offers of archival and non-archival materials that are considered either rare, unique, or fragile and not commercially available to enhance areas associated to the University’s learning, teaching and research programs. These materials may include bibliographic items, ephemera, memorabilia, objects, manuscripts and digital items.

Gifts are only accepted if they fall within the Special Collections Policy and if the value exceeds the cost of the valuers' fees and the administrative costs.

For further information, contact Heather Teymant, Senior Librarian, Metadata and Collections.