About our small animal medicine service

The Small Animal Internal Medicine referral service offers solutions to a wide variety of complex medical problems in both dogs and cats, including:

  • Endocrine disease
  • Gastrointestinal disease
  • Renal/urinary disease
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disease
  • Liver disease
  • Neuromuscular disease
  • Immune-mediated disease
  • Blood disorders
  • Skin disease

We utilise the latest techniques and equipment during the diagnostic investigation process. Our specialised medical equipment includes:

  • Video endoscopy with a range of different sized rigid and flexible video endoscopes
  • Specialist diagnostic imaging on site including ultrasonography, digital radiography, computed tomography (CT) and high field MRI (1.5T)
  • Electrocardiography (including Holter monitoring)
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Full laboratory support. Many of our cases require a wide range of laboratory tests. Most of these tests are performed at our newly equipped, on-site laboratory so that vital information is available as soon as possible.
  • Fully equipped intensive care unit (ICU) providing 24h critical care support
  • Fully equipped oncology suite for the administration of chemotherapy
Bob Raisis

We offer a multidisciplinary approach, working with our colleagues in Dermatology, Small Animal Surgery, Critical Care, Clinical Pathology, Diagnostic Imaging and Anaesthesia. All cases are discussed with members of other teams as appropriate, and co-management of cases or internal referral arranged as necessary to ensure a holistic and patient-centred approach.

A referral from your regular veterinarian is necessary to make an appointment with this service. We are also happy to discuss cases prior to referral or offer advice to our colleagues in practice. We guarantee to work closely with your regular veterinarian in optimising the post-treatment management so that the best and most convenient care is offered to your pet.

Our team

Professor of Small Animal Medicine

Professor Shiel graduated from University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland. After completing a residency in small animal medicine at UCD, he obtained the Diploma of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals (Internal Medicine) in 2007 followed by a PhD in canine thyroid function in 2011. Robert has held clinical academic positions at both Murdoch University and UCD, where he trained numerous specialists and research students in small animal medicine.

Robert returned to Murdoch University in 2022 as the Head of the Small Animal Medicine Service. Although interested in all branches of internal medicine, Robert’s main clinical and research focus is in the field of endocrinology. He has published widely in small animal internal medicine, is co-editor of the current edition of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association Manual of Small Animal Endocrinology and is current President of the European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology. 

Associate Professor of Veterinary Dermatology

Mandy is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in Veterinary Dermatology; a registered specialist in veterinary dermatology, an Associate Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine, a member of Academic Council and Associate Professor in Small Animal Medicine (Dermatology) at Murdoch University, Western Australia. She has over 30 years of experience working in University and clinical practice and teaching and has trained veterinary dermatologists in veterinary specialty practice in Western Australia. 

Mandy has been designing and delivering the dermatology curriculum and teaching undergraduate veterinary students at Murdoch University for the past twenty years. She joined the University academic staff in 2017 and has received Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Teaching and Excellence in Learning for three consecutive years in recognition for being in the top 10% of teaching staff. She is the current Australian and New Zealand representative of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology and the recipient of the 2022 American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology Frank Kral Award  for service to veterinary dermatology. She has authored and co-authored many publications in national and international journals and textbooks and delivers lectures in veterinary dermatology at both national and international conferences. Her opinion is regularly sought in providing specialist expertise and advice to industry.

Mandy has extensive experience with clinical dermatology in companion animals. A deep personal commitment to working for the good of students, veterinary practitioners, animals and society informs all her work. She values being able to make a difference and finds reward in the challenge of finding creative and practical solutions to difficult problems.

Associate Professor of Small Animal Medicine

Pedro graduated from the University of Córdoba, Spain in 2012. Subsequently was enrolled in a rotating internship and worked in the small animal medicine department of the Alfonso X el Sabio University of Madrid for 4 years whilst concurrently performed his Master of Science and PhD in nosocomial infections and antimicrobial resistance. In 2017, he moved to University College Dublin where he was enrolled on a second rotating internship and subsequently a residency in small animal internal medicine along with a second professional doctorate in veterinary medical specialisation exploring potential unrecognised causes of infectious diseases in dogs in Ireland. He became a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in March 2022. Since, he has worked as assistant professor at University College Dublin and teleconsultant for Idexx laboratories UK until May 2023.

Pedro enjoys all aspect of small animal internal medicine, with particular interest in infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance and endocrinology.

Miranda grew up in New Zealand and attended vet school at Massey University, graduating with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science in 2020. She made the move to Australia in 2022, initially to Brisbane for a small animal medicine internship before joining TAHMU as a postgraduate trainee in small animal medicine in 2023. During this time she was adopted by a sassy British Shorthair kitten who told her to stay on at TAHMU for a small animal medicine residency, so she obliged. This has turned out to be a great decision so far and she is excited to be pursuing a Masters of Philosophy alongside her residency. Outside of work Miranda enjoys hiking, exploring new cafes, board games, and playing guitar.  

Resident in Small Animal Medicine

Dr Marty graduated from Murdoch University in 2013. Following graduation, he went into small animal general practice in Perth and remained at the same clinic for eight years. It's here he found his passion for internal medicine in problem-solving and more complex cases. He decided to hit the books again and attained Membership in Small Animal Medicine with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in 2019. In 2021, he started part-time teaching at Murdoch University with the final year veterinary students and completed a Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education in 2022. 

At the beginning of 2023, he excitedly accepted a residency in Internal Medicine at the Animal Hospital and is currently completing his Masters in Veterinary Clinical Studies. 

Dr Marty has a very spoilt fur child, Simba the Golden Retriever, and outside of work enjoys travel, movies, time with friends and exercise.
The Small Animal Medicine team has a dedicated group of registered veterinary nurses and support staff that are an integral part of the hospital and teaching facility. Our nurses exhibit an expert level of care to their patients and provide support to the veterinary team.