Progression requirements

Students must meet a number of course progression rules in order to remain in the course, in particular limits on repeating failed units. For a full list of the requirements, please refer to the additional progression requirements section for Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (B1402) in the Murdoch University Handbook.

Intermission or withdrawal

The standard mode of enrolment is full-time. Due to the high demand for limited places and logistical restrictions on facilities and staff, approved leave/intermission of study must be approved by the relevant Academic Chair.

If you wish to withdraw from the integrated Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, please refer to myMurdoch for your available options. Students withdrawing from the integrated degree after three years may be eligible for award of the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Biology) degree as an alternative exit pathway.

No application less than this will be considered simply because rigours of the course demand that successful students are able to perform at a level higher than this. Your GPA will count towards your admissions score and all applicants will be ranked against each other as there are limited places and those with the highest rankings will get first offers.
No you cannot. Altus will only allow one test per admission cycle. If your CASPer test date is within 12 months of the application deadline, this result can be used. 

As the new admissions process is being phased in, the experience for 2024 entry will be an amount counted in days, and more weighting will be given to veterinary experience than animal husbandry, but the breadth of experience will not influence the grading.

For 2025 entry and onwards, you will need to demonstrate a minimum of 35h of veterinary related experience for your application to be considered, but the amount of experience you have gained will not contribute to your admissions score. 

Completing the BSc/DVM course will give you eligibility to apply to the veterinary registration body in the locality where you intend to work.

Some registration bodies will not allow an individual with a criminal record to practise as a veterinary surgeon. This varies widely throughout the world and is the candidate’s responsibility to check the requirements for the relevant locality.

For this reason, if applicants possess a criminal record likely to prevent them from working as a veterinarian, we cannot allow them admission into the course.

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Murdoch veterinary school

International student admissions