Alumni Contributions
At the School of Media and Communications, our alumni are more than just graduates; they are valued contributors to our school's ongoing success. Many have given back in various ways, from participating in industry codesign, codelivery and endorsement of our courses to conducting guest lectures. Like the Senior UX Consultant Laura Egerton, a Murdoch alumni, who has recently contributed to the revision and evaluation of some UX units in the Graphic Design major. Chay Yohansen has provided master classes in animation using his experience as a Rigger and Creature FX Designer for Weta Digital, working on films such as Avengers Infinity War and War of the Planet of the Apes.
Some of our alumni continue to work with us, bringing their diverse industry experience back to the classroom. Daniel Wearing, a Murdoch graduate and now Games Art and Design lecturer, has returned to Murdoch to teach after several years working as a concept artist in the games industry. Mary-Anne Romano, also a Murdoch alumni, is a journalist, communications and public relations professional with 20 years of industry and academia experience; now teaches in the journalism and strategic communication disciplines.

Murdoch’s Games art and design program provided the resources and opportunity to develop the skills of my specialty whilst preparing me for the realities of the industry I am a part of today.
Spotlight on alumni
Get up close and personal with recent graduates who share their working experiences and detail their professional journeys. Like Graphic Designer Thomas La Verghetta, who at the West Australian Newspaper shares his experience building posters and collateral covering the Matilda's in the World Cup.

Murdoch prepared me for industry work. Now as an educator I have the opportunity to continue the Games Art program's commitment to relevant, industry-focused teaching.