Maximise your opportunities

In some cases, you may not be able to do everything you want to do within the strict confines of your program or academic requirements of your university. Maximise your professional development by seizing opportunities, even if they are not going to show up on your transcript. Experiences you gain outside formal courses can be highlighted on your résumé, in applications or in interviews.

As part of the Bringing the Learning Home Project, returning student Danielle gives advice to other international students during a pre-departure workshop.

Food for thought

In the video, Danielle provides useful insights into using the international experience to develop your professional experience.

Have you considered professional development opportunities as part of your international experience?
What could you do that would add to your résumé?

Professional Experiences you might want to consider
  • An internship or work placement
  • A visit to a workplace directly linked to your future occupation
  • Presentations by famous researchers or speakers visiting your host university
  • A student club or society

Before you leave, it can be very helpful to ask your lecturers if they know any industry forums you could attend. As past students explain in the next section on networking, it is useful to start networking with people in your host country before you leave home.

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