
Get to know the School of Environmental and Conservation Sciences at Murdoch

As pioneers of Australia’s first true environmental science degree, we are proud to be a groundbreaking institution with over 50 years of experience.

Research and education in environmental science has been a central theme at Murdoch University, decades before ‘green’ initiatives were trending. Whether it’s wildlife conservation, biodiversity, or working alongside other disciplines to solve the challenges of climate change – we’ve been leaders in this space since we opened our doors in 1974 as Western Australia’s second university.

Get to know our School of Environmental and Conservation Sciences, and read on to see why Murdoch is home to some of the country’s leading experts and research projects.

What’s special about the School of Environmental and Conservation Sciences at Murdoch?

Studying at the School of Environmental and Conservation Sciences at Murdoch University delivers life changing experiences and transformative learning, with an authentic underpinning of community and collaboration.

Environmental Science has been part of Murdoch University’s identity since we began life as one of Murdoch’s six original schools. The late Professor Desmond O’Connor was a founding academic who broke ground by establishing the School of Environmental Science – an entirely new discipline in Australia.

As a truly progressive university, we are proud to offer a unique student experience. Our students enjoy interactive and dynamic learning in our award-winning, 6 Star Green Star Certified building, Boola Katitjin.

Boola Katitjin boasts modern and sustainable timber design, cutting edge teaching, learning and study spaces and was recently named the world’s best academic building. Your learning is cemented through direct encounters with the biodiversity that calls our South Street ‘living lab’ campus home. These experiences are enhanced through shared learning with and from people as passionate about the environment as you are. At Murdoch University, you will find your purpose and ‘your people’!

Located in WA’s southwest, we are also recognised as an International biodiversity hotspot! This status highlights the high levels of biodiversity across the region, but also the numerous threats they face. Studying Environmental and Conservation Sciences at Murdoch University will give you the skills needed to conserve this hotspot for generations to come.

We were the first Western Australian university to sign the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

A fork in the road: your life, your career path

What lies ahead is an exciting adventure that’s up to you and your ambitions. There are countless career options possible with the majors we offer. Will you help identify solutions to coral bleaching events or diseases and drought affecting our southern forests? Could you picture yourself develop solutions to conserve our most threatened species’ populations? Or will you master the skills needed for detailed data collection and statistical analysis? Learn more about your career options.

First, you’ll need the academic foundation and community network to get there. With our Bachelor of Science (Environmental and Conservation Sciences), you can choose to major in:

  • Conservation and Wildlife Biology
  • Environmental Science and Management, or
  • Marine Biology.

You might also choose to expand your career prospects even further with a double major in another scientific area or a double degree in a different yet complementary discipline. For example, the popular Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Science is where you’ll explore the legalities of creating a better environment for humans whilst sustaining biodiversity and natural resources.

Read about the opportunities at our school and discover our postgraduate degrees, such as the specialised Master of Environmental Science, if you’re ready for the next chapter of your career.

Meet your academics

We have a diverse collection of people who are widely-recognised experts in the natural world and how humans interact with it. Research at our school is closely-aligned with the Harry Butler Institute and we are proud to have academics such as Professor Jennifer Verduin, who recently recently led a study on microplastics in the marine environment, along with countless others who contribute to the critical work at the Institute.

Our academics are very approachable; they’re passionate about sharing their knowledge and educating the next generation of environmental scientists. Get to know the team and our research projects.

How gender equity can drive sustainable development. Read more.

We’re building a brighter future, together

You’ll receive a robust education that will set you up for a highly-rewarding career, and you’ll also get the chance to be part of a community that thinks outside the box and cares about making a difference. Read more about our efforts in sustainability, one of the core values in our university strategy.

Solving our most complex challenges in the face of a changing climate is a huge undertaking but we’re on a shared journey to find the answers. Join us in building a brighter future, together. Ngala kwop biddi.

Posted on:

19 Apr 2024

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