Collaborative and world-leading research

Research in the School of Environmental and Conservation Sciences is tightly aligned with the Harry Butler Institute given broad overlap in membership. Collectively the School represent the bulk of environmental, ecological and conservation science-based research capacity at Murdoch University. 

Research in ECS is diverse but what ties it together is the applied focus on solving environmental, policy, and conservation challenges. We work very hard with partners to understand real world challenges and conduct our science to deliver solid, practical and applicable outcomes. Reflecting this focus, our research is well rated in both applied, translational (Environmental Management, Forestry, Fisheries) and pure theoretical (Ecology, Genomics, Zoology) discipline categories. 

The School of Environmental and Conservation Science works with a variety of public sector partners, including local, state, and federal government agencies, as well as research and educational institutions. These partners provide expertise and resources in the areas of conservation, natural resource management, and environmental science. In the private sector, we collaborate with a range of private sector partners, including industry, non-profits, and consulting firms, providing funding for research projects and access to technology, expertise, and resources.  Our research partners span the public, private, and philanthropic sectors.