
What job can I get with a degree in Law?

Lawyers speak to each other in a court room.

Whatever it is in law that makes your heart sing, we’ll help guide you there.

You might imagine a lawyer as being that stereotypical criminal prosecutor, pacing around the courtroom arguing a case. But, truth be told, there are an infinite number of career opportunities open to you as a law graduate.

Keep reading to see what kind of career you could have with and LLB degree. And if you’re wondering what it is that makes our School of Law and Criminology stand out above the rest, get to know us here.

Would a career in law suit you?

Do you have the qualities to be a great lawyer? See if you identify with any of the below.

Do you:

  • Approach problems logically?
  • Have a certain level of scepticism?
  • Feel you have good judgement?
  • Stand up for what’s right?
  • Perform well under pressure?
  • Have good communication skills?
  • Take decisive action?
  • Have compassion?
  • Persevere when times get tough?
  • Have an interest in how rules and regulations operate to govern society?

It may seem as if lawyers need to be outgoing, bursting with unshakable confidence and have awe-inspiring debating skills. However, law is a thinking job. You’ll spend a lot of time reading, reflecting and writing, and coming up with thoughtful and considered answers. There’s far more to law than meets the eye.

What kind of career can you have in law?

Our School of Law and Criminology offers nine combined degrees, so you’ll have the chance to specialise in a second area of interest. We introduce new majors all the time, for example we’ve recently opened up an Environmental, Conflict and Security major.

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts

A career in media, humanities, politics, aid, community, and international law. Work for an NGO, fighting for those without a voice. Become a political ambassador in Asia. Or work for an entertainment giant like Disney.

Zahra Al Hilaly, WA Young Person of the Year 2022. Read about this inspiring Law / Journalism graduate.

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Criminology

A great choice for specialising in criminal law. Examine crime from a range of perspectives, including sociology and psychology. You’ll better understand crime reduction and prevention, and how the criminal justice system impacts both victims and offenders.

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Global Security

Glued to the news whenever a major event happens? Help protect the community from threats such as terrorism and political extremism with a career in law enforcement, foreign affairs, NGOs, and intelligence services.

This combined degree is not offered anywhere else in Australia.

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Information Technology

Technology has changed the world, and it’s only just getting started. With growing challenges around AI, hacking, data mining, and online crime, you’ll be sought-after in the market with this skillset.

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Psychology

Human behaviour is endlessly fascinating, and you’ll gain a deeper insight into criminal behaviour. Apply these skills as a lawyer, psychologist (with further training), in human resources, as a business executive, or in government policy.

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Science

Become familiar with the intricacies of scientific evidence with a degree in Forensic Biology and Toxicology. Or protect the planet, as a lawyer, with a degree in Conservation and Wildlife Biology, Environmental Science and Management, or Marine Biology.

Learn more about these combined degrees, and more, here.

Picture where a degree from Murdoch could take you

Our school is celebrating its 30th year of graduating students. Over the last three decades, we’re proud to say our staff, students and graduates have made significant contributions to the community.

They’ve become judges, nationally-awarded educators, senior members of law firms, legal experts at the Department of Justice and the Australia Federal Police, in human rights organisations in Australia and overseas, and worked at a grassroots-level in local community legal centres.

Can I get a job? Future-proof your career

Law is a competitive field, so we’ve packed our courses with as many industry-relevant experiences as possible.

As a student you can: work with clients, under supervision, on real cases; take professional internships; enjoy campus law societies and clubs; participate in our well regarded mooting program; join international study programmes; and make valuable industry contacts during work experience.

Whatever it is you’d like to achieve in law, Murdoch is your launchpad to success.

Posted on:

10 Jan 2024

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