AI and robotics in farming on the agenda at 2024 For Food’s Sake Summit

Murdoch University has hosted the Future Food Systems’ 2024 ‘For Food’s Sake’ Summit, with a range of experts sharing innovations, technologies and research in the agrifood industry.
On the agenda was sustainable farming practices, AI technology and robotics for crop monitoring and what it would look like “feeding the future consumer”.
Attendees flooded into award-winning learning space Boola Katitjin, where the day began with a Welcome to Country delivered in a meeting space overlooking the Beeliar Wetlands.
Dr Graham Gardner, director of Murdoch University’s Centre for Animal Production and Health, discussed facets of his research - including measurement technologies which can help to determine lean meat yield and eating quality.
Murdoch University PhD candidate Charlotte Rowley shared her own research into developing high-value precision nutrition products by collecting data on molecular phenotypes of WA produce.
Clinical pharmacist Ruey-Leng Loo, who is based at the Australian National Phenome Centre at Murdoch University contributed her expertise on metabolic phenotyping, which assesses parts of the gene network which may be associated with metabolic traits.
Industry experts from around Australia delivered both keynotes and panel discussions throughout the day, and Food Future Systems chief executive officer Dr James Krahe delivered the closing address.
Murdoch University has been a leader in both agriculture and food science, with the Food Futures Institute facilitating research and learning in biotechnology, animal production and health, sustainable farming systems and crop and food innovation.
Professor Peter Davies, Pro Vice Chancellor Food Futures Institute, said Murdoch would continue to combine its world-leading research expertise in the area of on-farm agriculture with its fast-emerging capabilities in food science.
Engagement with industry will strengthen the university’s research efforts that will deliver commercialisation outcomes, innovation and impact,” Professor Davies said.
This week, a who’s who of global agriculture and food industry representatives are in Perth for the evokeAG 2024 conference, the For Food’s Sake Summit, and for the launch tomorrow of the new Sustainable Innovative Food Technologies (SIFT) Centre at the Food Innovation Precinct WA.
AI and robotics in farming on the agenda at 2024 For Food’s Sake Summit
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