
Navigating our way in a COVID-19 world

Professor Jeremy Nicholson discusses the path out of the pandemic with the Governor of Western Australia, Kim Beazley AC.

The global impact of COVID-19 has already been profound. The health and possible public order threat is complicated by the highly linked economic fragility and volatility the uncertainty brings.

The Australian National Phenome Centre (ANPC) is undertaking major research to better understand and mitigate the COVID-19 virus pandemic threat.

The team have already established the unique biological fingerprint of the disease, assessed and confirmed its system-wide impact and recently filed a patent for a unique method of testing and patient follow up

In this interview with the Governor of Western Australia, Kim Beazley AC, the Director of the ANPC and world-renowned phenomics pioneer Professor Jeremy Nicholson discusses Murdoch University's critical research contribution and the path out of the pandemic from here. 

This research supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

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Posted on:

25 Feb 2021

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