
How to turn your love of cricket into a career

Are you a sports fan who’s dreamed of a career in the sport science industry?

Have you dreamed of a career in your favourite sport but don’t know where to start in pursuing it, or where the field could lead to in the long-term? If you’re passionate enough to consider options outside of playing sport, there are opportunities to work closely with elite sportspeople, using science and tested methods that assist them perform at their very best, and elevate the standards of performance in the sport.

A degree in Exercise Science at Murdoch will give you the chance to make your mark on the elite sports industry, allowing you to work closely with professional athletes to develop their skills and perfect their techniques.

Murdoch’s impact on professional cricketers

Our Exercise Science staff and students are improving cricketers’ batting skills and performance through the use of occlusion glasses and video simulation technology. Incorporating this technology in training practices is helping elite batters to better predict bowler behaviour, read body language and plan shots, ultimately improving the development of batters.

Watch the video to learn more about how Murdoch is helping amateur and professional cricketers reach their peak performance.

To learn more about Exercise Science at Murdoch, visit our study page.

Posted on:

18 Dec 2018

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