
Graduates take centre stage at Boola Katitjin

Murdoch University graduation ceremonies 2023 at Boola Katitjin.

The latest group of Murdoch University graduates were the first to experience their graduation ceremony at the new state-of-the-art building, Boola Katitjin.

A total of 1,404 graduates, including 45 research students, from a range of disciplines walked across the stage to receive their certificates as proud family and friends celebrated through applause. 

There were six ceremonies held throughout the week, each with hundreds of excited students ready to be welcomed into Murdoch’s global alumni community of more than 90,000.  

Ash Penfold, proud Whadjuk Noongar man, performed the Acknowledgement of Country to begin the ceremonies through traditional song by didgeridoo. 

Ash Penfold, Whadjuk Noongar man, presenting the Acknowledgment of Country at 2023 Murdoch University graduations.

Murdoch University Chancellor Gary Smith said Boola Katitjin was a splendid location to hold the graduation ceremonies this year. 

“I am so delighted to be here, sharing this little piece of Murdoch University history with you all,” he said. 

The Chancellor told the graduates that big life transitions such as these were “opportunities for discovery”. 

“I encourage you to reflect always on the way in which you take this learning and craft a future that respects the practical and honours the aspirational,” he said. 

Murdoch University Vice Chancellor Andrew Deeks and Chancellor Gary Smith pictured at the 2023 graduation ceremonies.

“It has not been an easy time for this cohort, and you have my respect for arriving at this place this evening.  

“Many of you have achieved your degree qualifications during a once-in-a-century global pandemic and to get here, you have demonstrated resilience and determination. 


Whatever your next steps, continue to be a voice of reason and a force for good – in your own lives, in your profession and in your community.” Murdoch University Chancellor Gary Smith


Graduates at the 2023 graduation ceremony in front of Boola Katitjin.

Congratulations to Murdoch’s newest alumni. 

Posted on:

7 Mar 2023

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