About this project

This website is designed to help students explore the value of their overseas experience, particularly in the context of career planning and employment. The resource is divided into three topics, which align with the three phases of international study, or any other international experience, such as internships:


During the process of designing this website, we interviewed students and new graduates who have undertaken a student exchange or other international experience, as well as employers in a range of industries. You can find their stories and reflections about the value of exchange throughout this website.

How to use this website

‘Putting your international experience to work’ is designed to complement other co-curricular and award programs that support students’ cultural and professional learning while they are abroad. Many universities offer face-to-face workshops or seminars for students before and after international experience programs. This online resource can be used to support that process.

For students and new graduates

Each Module of ‘Putting your international experience to work’ provides opportunities to reflect on your international experiences in relation to your future careers. By downloading and saving your responses to these learning activities as you work through each Module, you will develop a valuable bank of resources that you can draw on to create a portfolio and support future job applications.

In addition to using this resource, we suggest that you also check what support your university offers.


For teachers and facilitators

If you are a university staff member, who facilitates face-to-face workshops and seminars for students engaging in international experience, we suggest that you use ‘Putting your international experience to work’ in conjunction with the original Bringing the Learning Home resources.

The Instructor’s Guides for the Professionalisation and the Communication Modules are particularly relevant to the topics covered by this website.


The project team thanks the many students, new graduates and employers who contributed their time and expertise to this project.

Some of the graphics and exercises and all of the video material that appear on this website were originally produced by the ‘Bringing the Learning Home’ team: Jan Gothard Greg Downey, Tonia Gray and Linda Butcher. Material from the original Bringing the Learning Home project has been used under its Creative Commons Attribution license.

Some photos on this website were produced for the Bringing the learning home photo gallery by the following students; Simone Anderson and Thomas Nolan (Murdoch University); Chris Brunero, Liam Turbutt, Lisa Redwood and Sandy Chen (Wollongong University).


Support for the production of this website has been provided by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The views expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect the views
of the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. Unless otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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