Murdoch is a research-led university, which focuses on multidisciplinary translational research with real-life impact. We apply new knowledge from the lab and insights from public policy debates to real world challenges, improving business, policy, practice and outcomes. Everything we do is focused on better serving society and supporting the environments we live in.

We engage with global challenges, the ‘wicked’ problems of the near future. Our rapidly evolving world has emerging complex problems with interconnected causes: climate change, land degradation, food and water security, minority group disadvantage, population growth and ageing, and emerging infectious disease.

To address these challenges, Murdoch research is a team effort crossing traditional discipline boundaries. We work across institutional, national and international borders. Much of our inspiration and innovation comes from our local community and industry-based partnerships, as well as our international collaborations.

Research infographic

Our research approach is detailed in our strategy and plans:


Our specific strengths are focused across three broad themes.

Murdoch Commission

The Murdoch Commission

Explore public policy in action with The Murdoch Commission.

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