Murdoch University is committed to the highest standards of responsible research conduct. We comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and promote the Code's principles through our policies and practice. This ensures everything we do is done safely, ethically, with academic integrity, transparency, reporting accountability and fiscal responsibility.

We ensure the consistent application of high standards across the principles and practices of research. This includes what is researched and how research is conducted, managed and disseminated. 

Our Research Ethics and Integrity team offers advice, information and education programs:

Human ethics

Murdoch researchers work in compliance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, and Murdoch’s Human Research Ethics Committee reviews all human ethics applications.

Human research is conducted with or about people, and includes:

  • taking part in surveys, interviews or focus groups
  • undergoing psychological, physiological or medical testing or treatment
  • being observed by researchers
  • giving access to personal documents or other materials
  • collection and use of body organs, tissues, fluids or exhaled breath
  • access to personal information as part of an existing published or unpublished source or database.
Human ethics resources

Animal ethics

Murdoch excels in research and teaching in veterinary science, animal and human health, farming developments and environmental studies. Murdoch promotes best practice in animal welfare, and is committed to the ethical, humane and responsible care and use of animals for scientific purposes through implementing the ‘3Rs’. Our staff and students comply with the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes, the Animal Welfare Act (WA), and equivalent legislation in other jurisdictions. Projects must apply the 3R standards including:

  • replacement of animals with other methods whenever possible
  • reduction in the number of animals used through improved experimental design
  • refinement of methods that reduce the impact on animals, to minimise potential harm and distress and to enhance animal wellbeing.
Animal ethics resources

Research safety

The health and safety of our researchers (both staff and students) is paramount. Safety in research is governed by numerous legislative and regulatory requirements. Murdoch’s Safety in Research and Teaching Policy is overseen by the Safety in Research and Teaching Committee.

Specialist committees for Fieldwork Safety, Bio-Safety, Radiation Safety and Chemical Safety assist us in meeting our obligations. These committees oversee the records, protocols, licenses inspections for activities undertaken in our research. Ultimately, safety is the responsibility of every researcher.

Research safety is supported by Sarah Dias: